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Turn patients
into members with Hint


All-in-One EMR for Weight Loss Clinics

Hint is the only HIPAA-compliant software that helps you nail the fundamentals of medical weight loss program management so that you and your team can focus on supporting patients through their weight loss journey.


How Hint helps

Streamlined self-enrollment, integrated calendar and booking for multiple appointment types, call & text, ePrescribe & dispense, integrated e-Fax and more.


Manage Inventory & Forecast Revenue

By building out treatment plans and membership programs with included medications and discounted charge items, you can efficiently manage inventory on hand and forecast expected revenue.


How Hint helps

Hint's inventory tracking feature allows you to track quantities in stock, what you have ordered, expiration dates, markup percentages and more, as well as set low stock thresholds.


Customize Treatment Plans & Pricing

Build custom membership plans and packages, and choose which services are included, excluded or discounted in the patient's membership plan. 


How Hint helps

Want to specify a certain number of units of GLP-1s in a treatment plan, or offer members discounts on IVs? Hint allows you to assign a a set of charge rules to apply to members enrolled on that plan to customize their membership experience, invoice their employer, and demonstrate savings via plan discounts.

Group 2199480

Hint Clinical helped me add two zeros to my monthly billing. Its flexibility for customizing niche treatments especially with new groundbreaking innovations like GLP1 and GLP1-GIP medications is incredible."

Sulagna Misra, MD
Misra Wellness

I can customize a laser package with supplements and dispense medication all from one platform, plus offer discounts for patients on added services. A win all around!"

Sulagna Misra, MD
Misra Wellness

Get started with Hint today

Our solution specialists can help you figure out the best Hint plan for your budget, needs, and goals. Just tell us a little about you, and we’ll be in touch soon.